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It hardly comes as a surprise that you have changed the way you operate, as I recently read your blog post. Quite possibly, you have tried hard to keep the site as it used to be and have yet been compelled to change it because of the reasons you mention. To be honest: I am among those who visit sites where copyrighted material can be seen without the permission of the author, although I rarely downloaded material from you.

For me, has always been special, because you have delivered a high esthetic quality over so many years, keeping high technical standards, working with very good models who obviously enjoy working with you.

As a senior, I prefer the "good old days" of models like Iveta Vodaková. And Marketa Belonohá, who I have worked with twice in the Netherlands. Those were days without tattoos, lip fillers, cosmetic surgery, which women are of course free to choose, but which ruin natural beauty in my eyes.

As an amateur, I've had the pleasure of working with Lucie Nejezchlebová, Tereza Hladuvková, Hannah Slegrová, Barbora Smetanová, Judita Tomasyová (SK) and many others.

I would like to continue to do so, but in the last decade it's been difficult for me to find good models (met-art style, no/few tattoos, no silicon etc.), even without pandemic.

As a small gesture of sympathy for your work, I would like to offer you 100 euros without wishing anything in return. I you accept, please let me know how I can transfer it (IBAN bank account number or somehow else).

Regards, Jaap
the Netherlands


Thank you for all your great work so far.
